Software > Mouser's Zone
Any new ideas for small utilities?
Hey mouser,
I've made a post in ProcessTamer regarding this and thought it might fit in here as well and here it goes. A small application that can monitor and kill a process if it is running more than what you allowed.
Example: iexplorer.exe <= 3 (allows only 3 instance of ie to run and will autokill the 4th window if it opens)
Thanks and i really like your work :)
I thought of another one. I want to prevent my daughter from logging into her account and shutting down the Kerio firewall. (If it wasn't for her doubtful P2P software I wouldn't need a firewall). I'd like to be able to hide the Kerio firewall in the system tray automatically on her account. I've trawled the net and there are plenty of system tray managers but I can't find a simple one that will simply hide or reveal one or two icons.
there are a few that do it.
i have one called "tray wizard"
you get to choose exactly which system tray icons to hide inside its icon.
very useful for clearing up clutter and showing only those you want.
but of course they arent "hidden" hidden you can still find them inside the tray wizard icon; maybe you meant to reallly hide them.
i think kerio (unless you are talking about the old nice v2.15) has a way to password protect settings that should prvent you from being able to shut it down without know the password).
I found the following "startup delay" type program...
Tray Wizard seems to have been deleted from the net. The site is dead and I couldn't find a copy.
I have the current free version of Kerio. The password protection is only available in the paid version and having already bought Outpost through the forum I'm reluctant to part with any further firewall cash.
How about a system volume scheduler?
I hate it when I hit a web site with a loud midi background theme at 2 AM and wake up everybody in the house.
The interface could be a little line-chart, with volume % vertically and hours of the day horizontally. The user could draw the volume level by drawing a line across the chart.
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