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Rotating JPEGs *without* changing modified date

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[edit] found one but I'll post anyway - would be interesting to see which progs modify date, also see edit below [/edit]

anyone know of a programme that will rotate jpegs
but not change the last modified date?

Dopus changes it
HAH found one already..
Exif Pro does the job without messing with dates :up:

[edit] I'll post this anyway cause I've been using DOpus for years to rotate my photos without realising it changed the (modified) dates - it's been causing me some real trouble lately :mad: [/edit]

sorry to hear that, tomos.. it's always a good practice to check for this option before using any file renamers, image editors, mp3 tag editors and others of its ilk.. here's a sample from IrfanView which has this option in the Save dialog itself..

Actually, you can use Directory Opus to rotate images *and* keep the original modified date.

What you need is to use add "PRESERVEDATE" to the rotate command for your button/menu/whatever.


The above command rotates the image 90°, replaces the original file instead of creating a copy, and it also preserves the original date/timestamp :)

Compupic Pro lets you make some lossless modifications (including rotation) to images and it didn't seem to touch the mod. date when I tried it right now...

Edit: Since this is apparently considered a 'safe' operation it doesn't prompt for file saving - just rotates the image on the spot and that's that.

thanks dirhael :Thmbsup:

it's logical to check this but somehow it had never occurred to me
it wasnt a major problem for me (ways around it) but good to know/check (as you say lanux)

off to change my DOpus 'rotate' commands - I think (checks quickly) - looks like this has only been happening since a recent reinstall of DOpus - thats not so bad...
(FTR:- I'm now using the default "Nudel-Images" toolbar -Opus#8- I think I had a different version of toolbar in last install...)

going off on a tangent a little:- anyone know would it be easily possible to change modified datestamp back to "shooting time" date?
It's not such a big deal mostly, cause sorting by the sequential naming would normally be the same as sorting by date. But sometimes not (end of one year/beginning of next)


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