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Making a dream PC for cheap (as possible) - help anyone?

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Yeah, just GHz won't do it, you also have to take in amount how many cores you can utilize at a time. Most people won't be able to utilize quadcores... I'm going to get one asap, but I won't even be tapping into all cores at once. Most people would *at the moment* be better off with a dualcore with "omg moar gigahurtz!" than a per-core slower quadcore.

Also remember that even per-core GHz can't be used as a measure, since there's also the issue of how much work can be done per MHz. Currently, core2 leads over Pentium-D and whatever AMD has.

So something like this?

So something like this?
-wreckedcarzz (January 18, 2008, 06:06 PM)
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That CPU is very good bang for the buck, yes, and should be able to overclock stable to 3.0GHz with stock cooling.

Personally I'm waiting until Q9450 comes in stock, it's a bit more expensive, but uses 45nm process fabrication technique, which means more performance and less power drain. More cache too, and faster FSB. :-*

I have a printout of the latest Radeon HD model (can't remember the model atm, too lazy to search through my growing pile(s) of crap to find it) from NewEgg, and I plan on getting whatever is the top-of-the-line when my bday rolls around again. As for driver bugs...what driver bugs? O_o? And my fan is whisper quiet. :tellme:
-wreckedcarzz (January 18, 2008, 04:30 PM)
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f0dder had bad experiences with previous Radeon models ;D. Time ago Catalyst drivers gave a lot of problems, things are much better n... *Lashiec computer gets a BSOD*, nah really, it's rock solid :). And one of the highlights of the 38xx line of cards is that they give a beating to nVidia alternatives regarding fan noise (it depends on the assembler implementation, though), and in power consumption, they're fantastic in that department.

Besides, you can always get a third-party cooler for the card, or buy one with one already built-in. My Radeon came with a Zalman cooler out of the box, that's one of the reasons I bought it. That, and the game that came in the package, better than the other alternatives :D

Here's one for you:

The developers of the game Crysis have gone through the effort to build a PC for $900 they consider Crysis-worthy:

CPU - Intel Core2Duo E6750
GPU - GeForce 8800GT 512MB
Motherboard - NVIDIA nForce 650i Socket 775
PSU - 600W ATX12V
RAM - 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR2 800 (PC2 6400) Dual Channel Kit
HDD - SATA 250GB 7200RPM
DVD - 20x DVD±R Burner
Case - ATX Midi Tower Computer Case
OS - Microsoft Windows XP Home with SP2

But that doesn't include keyboard, mouse, or monitor...

P.S. They just released Crysis patch 1.1 which doubles the framerate on some hardware setups. But the framerate is still below 30fps!


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