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ASUS eee PC - Any owner?

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Got 1 last weekend with linux installed.
Booted quickly, screen was surprisingly good to read. Changed from "easy" to "advanced" mode quickly which made it better (for me) to use.
It detected my wireless network better than my dell latitude laptop and I was onto the net quite painlessly. Took it to school and it connected there faultlessly as well.
 For laziness and compatibility reasons, Ive now installed xp pro on it. That took about 2 hours, but I was very surprised how well it's performing - as in speed on boot and generally firing up apps.
 Have installed office 2003 (not that I wanted to) and that's just fine too. Currently I'm installing portable apps onto a 1gig sd card which plugs into the eeepc.
 Today I left the dell home and only took the eeepc to school and can't say Ive missed the big un. I think I'm preferring the eee (obviously if I need to use photoshop I'll be telling a different story) in general. It's fast, screen is easy to read (one caveat in a mo) and its portability is liberating.
 The caveat is for large dialog boxes - inconvenient, but overcomable by using Winmover, which allows dragging windows with an alt arrow combo.
 2 other teachers at school saw mine and went and brought themselves ones.
 last one, the eeepc user forum at is a huge, active repository of advice... excellent resource.
 Summary of what Ive been doing on it:
office suite (incl outlook)
internet explorer/maxthon
watched a ripped dvd via usb tethered 2.5 hd
used xnview
used ashampoo office suite
interaacted with access db over school network
streamed kcsm jazz radio whilst reading in bed (also did that with linux)
set up network printer (also did that whilst linux was on )
made a no hassle connection to a data projector - looked fine

Am looking forward to taking it on next overseas trip - I'll be smiling when I see people taking out there large heavy laptops!
Hope this helps

I wish I had one of these. If I ever go the laptop route for travel, this is it. Seems like they combined the best of a lot of great ideas here.

My designer bought the 4gb one, got the crucial mail upgrade, and is running windows, including photoshop cs1, on it - thinks its brilliant to be able to show things and do things on site

I dont know what the graphics chip can do

My take is that they made the screen just a bit too small, who needs such large speakers?

I used to have the fujitsu p1310, just a tad bigger screen with a touchpad. It got stolen, but I really lust after one again.

Once you have a tiny computer which you can take along with you to take notes, do a lot of basic tasks, and play games on the road (I have a lot of great old games that I could revisit)

I'm sorely tempted by the eee, although it has a pad (versus point for the fujitsu) and no touch screen so I am still hesitating.

I dont know what the graphics chip can do-iphigenie (February 01, 2008, 02:25 AM)
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It's a standard Intel GMA 900. Not the state of art, but quite a decent solution for such a small machine. It doesn't have hardware T&L or vertex shader but, hey, it it's good Quake 3, it's good enough! Really, lots of games run surpraising well.

My take is that they made the screen just a bit too small, who needs such large speakers?

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The speakers actually are quite small too. It's only their cover that extend to enclose the display. The 7" was choose probably just as a cost compromise.

Like tsaint, I too was surpraised by how well the WiFi works. It keep the connection with my A/P from spots in my house or backyard that I had considered "dead zones", based on the experience with other devices.
The entire machine feel very snappy & responsive: at times you don't really expect such a speed for a machine so tiny, so it's a nice surprise.
It's also a very versatile & hackable (in the good way) device.



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