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ASUS eee PC - Any owner?

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The eee PC will be available here in Italy too in the next days.
I have to admit that it sparked my interest as soon as I read about it in the first news some months ago.

Is there any eee owner here, willing to share some usage impressions?


I don't own one, but Darren from hak5 owns one, and he has had pretty good results from it. he formated it, and put windows on it, and then installed some games on it, and said they worked pretty good with the specs that the eee pc has.

one of my web designers bought it with windows on it and was quite amazed with it. I thought the active screen was quite small compared to the size of the case, but then for the price...

It seems a tad small for a screen for it, but I was pondering how it would do as a home music player (with an usb drive for the music files) and was waiting for him to bring it back so we could try

Thanks for the info.
The more I read about it, the more it intrigue me! :)

One thing that bother me a bit is that Bluetooth isn't included by default; that would have been handy.
Off course there are lot of mod that details how to add it (along many other things; it's a very "hackable" object!), but that will certainly void the worranty...


OK, got one today! :) It was one of the last four they had in the store. Seems it's selling pretty fast.



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