I just saw it is possible to
access dc.com via https. While I think this is absolutely terrific,
my favorite webbrowser does not like the fact that some content is not transmitted via https. So far I have added an exception for dc.com so firefox will accept the certificate. Also the certificate does not seem to be signed by a
Certificate Authority (CA) such as CAcert.org.
The red font indicates something:
Secured Access to ForumAlso, the lock symbol is "broken":
Secured Access to ForumAnd when I look at the details, I see why the address is red and the lock is broken:
Secured Access to ForumCAcert is a CA whose certificates are free, which is why its competitor fight hard so software vendors won't include
their Root Certificates into products...
There are instructions
how to get a certificate signed by CAcert. Then users only need to import (and trust) the
Root Certificate from CAcert: PEM format seems to be right for most browsers except Internet Explorer.
If dc.com could get a server certificate from, say, verisign, users would not have to do anything; however, these certificates usually cost money. I know all this is a hassle, but in this day and age security, protection, or trust don't come easy...