Software > Screenshot Captor
SC v2.37.03: full-screen captures too big: one-pixel border
when I just did a few full-screen captures (pressed F11 in Internet Explorer to capture all of the visible area, I didn't need what's below), I found out that SC always captured the screen in 1282 x 1026 instead of my 1280 x 1024 screen resolution. Looks like SC added a white one-pixel border to every side of the capture.
I also found out that my SC installation wasn't the latest version, but updating it to the v2.37.03 didn't change this.
I also checked the options (which by the way are called "Preferences" in the tray icon menu, and "Options" in the options window that pops up), but the "On Capture/Add Border to Image" option isn't enabled.
that's strange, it's capturing my exact screen size here (1600x1200).
my guess was that you had it set to add a border on capture, but you say you checked that. it still seems to me that that's what's happening, but it could be some kind of bug making it think it should.. did you check whether you might be asking it to apply a small shadow on capture?
try this:
capture a smaller region. see if it puts the border around that also. if so, then that's definitely what's happening. if not, then it's something stranger.
Ok, I just tried "Grab selected Region" (love the pixel counter!) and it worked perfectly, no border was added there.
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