Software > JGPaiva's GridMove and Ahk Tools
WinManagement Snap & AHKSnap !
Thanks! :)
Really, it's nothing. I played with jgpaiva's script (that he made for a farr plugin) and added a few little things from Blue Onion Software's FreeSnap... If you look at the script, you'll probably also find that's not hard to modify to your liking.
i had modified the original WinManagement Snap script to add/remove a few things, such as:
snap undo, center windows (win+numpad5) and incremental resizing (win+numpad plus/minus)
resize vertically or horizontally, max/min window, and toggle on top feature.
so with Armando's permission, here is the modified script (ahk+exe), feel free to modify it for your own purposes.
note: to add/remove resolutions for the incremental resizing feature, you may need to edit AhkSnap.ini.
;variables here
size1= 320,240
size2= 640,480
size3= 800,600
size4= 1024,768
size5= 1152,864
size6= 1280,600
size7= 1280,720
size8= 1280,768
size9= 1280,800
size10= 1360,768
size11= 1440,900-AhkSnap.ini
--- End quote ---
Cool ! I like it. Much, much better and sophisticated. It's a completely new script.
Of course, as I told you, that was my first baby step into the scripting/programming world... Didn't know anything at the time. I still feel like I know nothing, but that's another story. ;D
The exe works perfectly.
The AHK file gives me an error : "IniRead" requires at least 4 parameters. I quickly added "size9" as the last argument. Not sure that this is the best way though -- just did what seemed obvious without too much thinking. (The reason I'm trying the AHK file is that I usually append all the little scripts together in a bigger script... less processes to manage).
The AHK file gives me an error : "IniRead" requires at least 4 parameters. I quickly added "size9" as the last argument. Not sure that this is the best way though --
-Armando (March 19, 2012, 10:13 PM)
--- End quote ---
sorry about that, Armando. i forgot to mention that the newer script uses AutoHotkey_L (a custom build of AutoHotkey). AHK_L's IniRead command is slightly different, that's why you're getting that error. :)
You can learn more about AHK_L, here.
Interesting. I just installed it but am having problems with various scripts. Will revert to the plain AHK for now and will check later.
(Of course, the compiled version of AHKSnap isn't affected at all -- just saying this for others reading following the thread !)
Thanks Lanux.
(EDIT : BTW Lanux, if you want to create a new thread -- or split this one -- for AHKSnap, you can... It's different enough to justify it. It's really up to you. :) )
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