Software > DesktopCoral
I am having trouble with this app. I can only get it to dock vertically on the left side of the screen. In the options I have it set to dock at Bottom and I dragged it to the center on the bottom. Anyone have any advice?
ive never heard of it not being able to dock to some sides of screen...
you should be able to drag it to any side of the screen and it should auto dock to it.
what exactly happens when you drag it to extreme side of your screen?
what operating system are you using?
I'm using Windows XP. I have it set to 100% opacity and transparency unchecked but it still comes up transparent. So when I try to drag it, it doesn't move.
I'm afriad that the options in the dialog labeled "Docking Position" were added by me while i was contemplating changing the way users should control docking, but accidentally left in when i decided not too.
the way you are supposed to dock it is actually to Uncheck the Transparent Mode checkbox and then drag it to the extreme side of the desktop you want to dock to, and then Recheck the Transparent Mode to make it fully transparent if thats what you want.
But it sounds like you are saying that you have the settings at 100% opaque and the transparent mode unchecked and you still can't see it? or you can see it but not drag it?
I will try to make a new build of DesktopCoral in the next couple of days and clean up the options and change the way i turn off transparency and see if that helps solve your problem ok?
I finally got it working. I don't know what was happening before but today for some reason it worked. To address the problem that it doesn't retain its settings after its shutdown, I think you should probably have it create an external text file where it stores all of the settings everytime they are changed (i.e.- x,y position on the screen, width and height, and transparency.
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