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What do you think about "What I like to do" medallions

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And I had you pegged as an abc type... who knew?!  :P-Darwin (January 04, 2008, 05:16 PM)
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OMG maybe I wuz an ABC type all along.. :tellme:

[Edit - I have changed my post below to reflect that the idea is centered around coding and technology.][/b]-CodeTRUCKER (January 04, 2008, 03:23 PM)
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BTW I dont think it should have to be centred around coding/technology :-\ but then I cant code, but I wouldnt mind one for interest in (digital) photography :)
[edit] which qualifies as technical anyways

Yup. Agreed - I'd meant to make that point in my post above - I am not against people listing non-computer/software/technology related interests as this gives me, and others, a better idea of who they are and what makes them tick!

Yup. Agreed - I'd meant to make that point in my post above - I am not against people listing non-computer/software/technology related interests as this gives me, and others, a better idea of who they are and what makes them tick!
-Darwin (January 04, 2008, 05:56 PM)
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Given what CWuestefeld brought to the table above, what would you see as a amiable arrangement?  He does present a valid point?

We do not have to do anything definitive at this time.  I really wanted to get people thinking and seed some discussion.

Wouldn't be better to use a rotating userbar, like the one CWuestefeld uses? Appending more symbols to someone's profile means more clutter in that zone, and some people have quite some of it, with IM details, DC medals and everything. Besides, only Gods know how many medals Wordzilla or someone else would have to create to reflect the eclecticism of DC :)


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