Software > N.A.N.Y. 2008
UM - a to do list program
DISCLAIMER: This is a program I am writing to help me learn scheme, so it is probably buggy and quite frankly it is a little below the quality that I would prefer when releasing but since it is usable and N.A.N.Y. is a better time than most to release a program...
Listing all unfinished tasks and finishing task 7 (which is of course called task8 because task 1 was finished way back)
UM is a to do list program that is used via the command line. You can either call it via um.exe <command> or just running it to enter interactive mode.
l -> List all unfinished tasks (only tasks to depth 2 are currently listed i.e. you can't have sub-sub-tasks)
a task deadline [parent] -> Add a new task, parent is optional
f taskid -> Set task as done
m taskid parentid -> Change tasks parent (0 = root)
u taskid task deadline [parent] -> updates task
help -> displays help
Currently these are the only accepted date formats
Monday ... Sunday
Mon ... Sun -> Next Monday etc
Tod | Today -> Today's date
Tom | Tomorrow -> Tomorrow's date
Example Usage: (this is in the interactive mode)
um>a Tiger Jul-23
1 Tiger 2007-7-23
um>a Find where tigers are sold May-10 1
um>a Get enough tiger food for 6 months Jul-1 1
um>a Buy tiger Jul-23 1
1 Tiger 2007-7-23
1.1 Find where tigers are sold 2007-5-10
1.2 Get enough tiger food for 6 months 2007-7-1
1.3 Buy tiger 2007-7-23
um>f 1.1
1 Tiger 2007-7-23
1.1 Get enough tiger food for 6 months 2007-7-1
1.2 Buy tiger 2007-7-23
See tdl - to-do list manager ( for the linux program that inspired this.
fun :)
I wonder if this might be something fun to interface with FARR.
If someone made a really simple plugin for FARR that was able to shell a commandline command and capture it's output, FARR could use programs like this very easily.
like the way things move up the list, will try next, tomorrow
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