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New App! WTF!? Music Info

<< < (10/10)

Gosh, another bug. The new version does not read FLAC files at all :(

Also, are you planning to add Unicode support?

[off topic] So, Carol, from your chart up there, I'm deducting that you're a Glenn Gould fan... I've been a fan since I'm 10 years old... :) Even if I'm not listening to him as much, he's still among my all time favorites. [/off topic]

{Edit ... responded by PM Carol}

Gosh, another bug. The new version does not read FLAC files at all :(

Also, are you planning to add Unicode support?
-Lashiec (January 31, 2008, 01:15 PM)
--- End quote ---

Dumb, stupid, oversight. Now fixed and up :)

i'll add unicode support, but not sure when

This is an excellent little program.  Just more proof of how great donationcoder is.  I can't believe I managed without this site for all those years.


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