Software > FARR Plugins and Aliases
New C# FARR Plugin: FARRGoogleSuggest
I have recompiled the plugin with the latest SDK and VS 2005. Please see if it makes a difference.
I have updated the first post in this thread with the new plugin.-jpgrosen (December 29, 2007, 06:29 PM)
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I'm afraid still no work here
I have it in correct folder and cant see anything else I can do...
unfortunately neither this nor FARRAltTab works for me with NET 1,2, & 3
(just added both to correct folders in plugins folder and restarted FARR after each)
other plugins work
these two dont show when I type "aplugins" - I'm not that familiar with FARR plugins in general but dont think I'm doing anything wrong..-tomos (December 29, 2007, 05:34 PM)
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KlipKeeper, FarrFox, PrinterList, and FarrUninstall are the only plugins I've used so far, but they all work
Tomas I'll talk to you privately then. We'll try a few things.
I'm afraid it could be a problem.
Can you PM me your email?
Hey jpgrosen. What did you compile it with? I had a problem with mouser with FARRTunes when I compiled it under VS2008, still not sure why.
-vitalyb (December 29, 2007, 05:22 PM)
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Perhaps because VS2008 defaults to using .NET 3.5 (3 != 3.5) (See Project -> Properties -> Target Framework)?
Nope. I compiled it specifically targeted at .NET 2.
I *think* it is something to do with C++ DLLs.
I had a similar problem but the recompiled version of plugin is now working. :Thmbsup:
However, the plugin only shows up in the Options --> Find and Run Robot Plugins ---> Click to Examine and Configure Plugins ---> Plugin Manager view. It doesn't show up in the DC Updater window.
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