now that you guys (both google suggest c# and javascript fscript) have mastered web page grabbing, how much longer till we get 2 holy grail plugins:
1) rss fetcher w search ability
2) generic web page regex parser (let user configure web page to grab and how to parse it into items with regex)
in both cases one extra complication is that it would be nice for a user to be able configure multiple sources which could be selected.
frss dc keywords..
where the first thing after the rss is the label telling the rss plugin which configured rss to grab from.
(just typing rss might list the known rss feeds).
how nice would that be

in the second case, it would be similar, so that you could configure it to grab a page and display result(s) either as a list or in richedit mode.
this could be used to grab almost anything from a web page (weather, news, etc).