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2007: My 'Best of' list
OLPC, one laptop per child
-zridling (December 26, 2007, 03:29 PM)
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I saw in some mag that you can buy one of those "OLPC, one laptop per child"
and the price you pay pays for a second one which is given to a kid somewhere
I'd love one of them - I think there really nice design :-*
ah, [url=]here it is:
Since November 12th, OLPC has been offering a limited-time Give One Get One program in the United States and Canada.
For a donation of $399, one XO laptop will be sent to empower a child in a developing nation and one will be sent to the child in your life in recognition of your contribution. Up to $200 of your donation may be tax-deductible (your $399 donation minus the fair market value of the XO laptop you will be receiving)."one for the child in your life" = ME!! :D
Best Movie:
The Departed
Best thing on TV:
The Unit I would have voted for heroes, but the last episodes weren't as good as expected.
Best website discovered:
FreeRice Loved the idea
Best software discovered:
vim, the editor i use for almost everything right now
Best hardware/gizmo bought:
Samsung 205bw so damn good that i'm considering to buy myself yet another 20' lcd ;)
jgpaiva, vim? Damn, and just as I was getting into emacs, you had to ruin it.
;D zaine!
Emacs is said to be as good as vim, or even better. I don't think you won't be well seved with that one.
The reason i started using vim, is because it is included in every default linux instalation (wereas emacs isn't) and it's a bit lighter (thus faster to open) then emacs.
But emacs is said to include almost a whole OS inside, thus, it should do everything you thow at it ;)
I don't really watch TV or movies, so I don't recall any I could name.
Best blog discovery:
Gene Expression
Best software discovery:
Best new rule to live by:
tea = housework
Best guitar video watched on youtube:
Erick Turnbull
Best free coding music:
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