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Recommendations Destroying Storage Media??
true enough, i was just about to post that my twitchy fingers got in the way when i saw your post.. again! ;D
A few seconds in a microwave works wonders on a CD-R. Need to watch really closely though and hit stop as soon as the lightning starts to flicker on the CD's surface.
-jdmarch (December 26, 2007, 08:20 PM)
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I did this once, and it was freaking scary. The blue lightning across the surface looked cool, but the noise... the noise creeped me out. The result? Look for yourself:
Recommendations Destroying Storage Media??
I am moving in the next few days. I am throwing away everything I can bare to throw away so I need no move it. This will include several Compact Flash, USB memory sticks, and hard drives. I will be physically destroying all of them, but I still want to wipe them first. I was looking at Eraser. Has anybody used it? There is plenty of freeware and open source programs of this type, so I don't want to pay for anything. What do you recomment?
-tinjaw (December 23, 2007, 12:01 PM)
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My personal favorite <a href="">How to destroy a hard drive (on purpose)</a> (includes disassembling). I did this with all of my old drives. Just lovely, and some great fridge magnets when you're done.
re: CD-r destruction. The microwave solution sounds risky to say the least. Which non-micro mode of CD destruction do you think is best? I wrap the disc in a newspaper, hold it inside a plastic bag and then bend the wrapped disc until it breaks twice. The bag prevents small shards of the disc from falling on the floor. This works but would be tiresome if I needed to destroy many discs since some are tough to break. I wonder if there is some handy tool (some wrench perhaps) that does a better job at CD destruction (with less strain and more rapidly). Any ideas?
Good advice to wrap CDs in newspaper/whatever before breaking, you wouldn't want to get splinters in your eyes. Non-microwave destruction? Burn them. Nasty smoke, though.
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