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Your top 3 favorite portable software programs

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I have many others but never use them  :-[

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Yes, in Italian, but you can switch to english in the top right of the page.  Prefer the interface to the portableapps one.

Definitely a thread in need of revival (can't believe this thread got so lost).  OK, so three just isn't enough...

PStart (Portable Launcher)
XYPlorer (File Manager)
foobar2000 (Audio Player)
Firefox Portable 3.0.10 (Internet Browser)
File Locator Pro (Search Tool)
EmEditor (Text Editor)
IMGBurn (Media Burner)
Batchrun (.bat Compiler)
FARR (Yes, I finally installed it mouser!)

Anyone else have some new favorite portable apps 1.5 years later.....

PStart, Portable Notepad++  and all the NirSoft and Sysinternals apps on the biggest USB stick you can afford.

If you're a network or server tech, don't leave home without it. :Thmbsup:


* geek.Menu
* xyplorer
* XAMPP - PmWiki
* Evernote
* SharpDevelop
* LeaderTask
OK... so I can't count.


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