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Need help with a name for my new NANY program
Have online leader boards and all that jazz. Make it a competition to be productive.
-Deozaan (December 19, 2007, 12:30 PM)
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I was really conflicted about whether to make this an online application with such features, vs a desktop application.
I went the desktop app route, and i think i won't be adding online features to it.
If it proves to be something people are interested in it might be nice to make an online version (anyone want to try? it would be nice to share the same xml format files for describing activities, etc.)
Sounds like "Payday Power" to me.
More points, more power, more presents.-Cuffy (December 19, 2007, 10:30 AM)
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I like Payday Power
or how about Pointy Power :P
nothing is thrilling me so far.. keep 'em coming.
What about "Point Master Pro 2008 - Ultra Edition"
how about "Point Motivator"?
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