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ProCon Firefox Extension for Blocking Objectionable Content - Others?


Here's a firefox extension called ProCon that triggers when it sees objectionable text on a web page. maybe others can post other solutions for people who want to block or filter objectionable content while they surf.

I'm not exactly advocating the use of such things, just thought it would be interesting for people to share their discoveries about such tools for those who are determined to use something like this.

Filter web pages containing explicit content based on text on websites.

ProCon is a content filter for the Firefox browser. It can filter any kind of material (pornography, gambling, hacking, cracking, etc...), it can also block all traffic, making sure that only desired websites (set in the Whitelist) can be accessed, and includes a profanity filter, all *like* a parental control filter.

ProCon also has password protection in order to keep *others* from changing the settings.

--- End quote ---

You can also use one of the public filtering PROXY servers which will render your internets safe for work:

See guide here (it also features a small comparison chart of some web filtering software)


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