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on sale: The Complete Calvin and Hobbes

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Jammo the OrganizedFellow:
I have this too.
Have had it for a few years, funny shtuff, hahahaha.

Ralf Maximus:
An interesting essay from Bill Watterson on his life post C&H (written in 2001):

An absolutely up-to-date blog/tribute page to C&H (last entry 19 Nov 2007):

And finally, this collection of rarities, including the only unreprinted C&H strip:

Here's a somewhat off-topic question:  Does anyone here know how much money Watterson could have possibly made with his wildly successful comic, with syndication and everything?  I know Seinfeld makes a killing with syndication, how is it for Watterson?

Man, this thread got me thinking about the strip again.  I used to read it religiously in the bathroom from the age of about 8 until 21 (serious!).  Now, I don't read it anymore, but I remember how great that comic was.  You know, high society makes a big deal about "high" art (trivia: can anyone recognize the C&H strip I'm referencing here?) like paintings, architecture, acting, operas, etc.  But things like Watterson's comics are often ignored or disregarded in that respect.  The man created something that is beautiful, funny, intensely personal, and no less of a masterpiece than any other art this past century.  He's a genius.

So the one-day sale is over, but now the set is listed at "only" $90. So it was really only $20 off?


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