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JrHourlyMarker for mirc and xchat - GOE Challenge 2007 Entry


I've posted one of my unofficial GOE entries here:

It's JrHourlyMarker, a script for mirc ( that adds hourly markers so you can see when messages came into your windows while keeping timestamps off.

I'm posting it mainly to encourage coders to participate once they see i am posting a script that took only a few minutes to write.

JrHourlyMarker for mirc and xchat - GOE Challenge 2007 Entry

I've posted one of my unofficial GOE entries here:
It's JrHourlyMarker, a script for mirc ( that adds hourly markers so you can see when messages came into your windows while keeping timestamps off.-mouser (November 25, 2007, 11:16 PM)
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mouser forced me to port it to XChat.
I'm serious, I still have marks all over my neck from him strangling me :D

anyways, long story short, here it is:

you'll need xchat + perl
if you're on linux or mac, you might already have it
if you're on windows and you don't, check out activestate's activeperl and re-install xchat with the perl interface

very nice mouser & least once I replaced all the @'s with -'s. It was taking up 2 lines here.

very nice mouser & least once I replaced all the @'s with -'s. It was taking up 2 lines here.
-app103 (November 26, 2007, 01:06 PM)
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The beauty of scripts, easy to modify :-)
That's one of the reasons I chose Perl script over C plugin for implementation


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