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Other Software > Developer's Corner

Dina in TTF format?

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I would really like to have Dina in TTF format as well.

like tinjaw mentions above, Consolas is a good alternative. which i am using of course.

Jeff Atwood says Consolas doesn't even look good without ClearType enabled at standard programming font sizes.

The main reason I would like Dina in TTF is because some programs don't recognize the .fon filetype. I admit my own ignorance in the difference between TTF and FON, but as an uneducated end-user ( ;) ) the only difference I know is that some programs won't let me use Dina. :down:

TTF is a vector format, meaning the fonts scale to pretty much any size (as long as it's not too small, of course), whereas FON is a bitmapped format and scales extremely horribly :)

So why not import the font into a program like Flash or Illustrator and convert the characters to vectors then build a TTF for Dina?

Sounds simple enough for the ignorant! ;)


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