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What's Your Favorite Productivity or Programming Supplement?

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Ralf Maximus:

Forget compilers, forget IDEs, forget debuggers.  Everyone knows programmers love to overclock their perception during crunch time, or sometimes to make dull jobs more interesting.  Sure, it also means we procrastinate more efficiently, but face it: without at least one of these tools in your arsenal you're not a coder -- you're just somebody that plinks around on a keyboard.

If you're of the "my body is a temple" persuasion, go away.  Anyone who can do yoga while working a keyboard would work twice as fast with a caffeinated bloodstream; you're not living up to your potential.

Select all that apply, but if you feel compelled to check them all -- you might expect an intervention.

UPDATE: Modified the description to better match the multi-selectivity of the new poll format.

tea? :P

Ralf Maximus:
Eep!  Showing my Americanist viewpoint; I'll fix it.

Haha, that graph is great, pure genius of the type you'd expect to see on :)

I had to vote "Coffee/Tea", although it's more like "Pick one of {Coffee, Coke, Coffee + Coke, Beer, Beer + Coke, Beer + Coffee + Coke}" :)

My secret mix seems to be Coffee, Diet Cherry Cola, and Techno music.


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