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Best password manager?

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Maybe it was that I didn't want to pay for it twice - once for Palm and once for Windows.  I'll give it another look.


Used Whisper for many years but switched to KeePass earlier this year and like it. The availability of a conversion tool for my several hundred passwords was a key factor in the choice. I did briefly try Roboform in between, but I must be a klutz because I could not get it to work the way it should. Anyway, sounding a little like sour grapes, I'm somewhat wary of apps that automatically fill in login info, even if it is done securely. I don't find the extra effort of opening KeePass and doing Ctrl-B, Ctrl-C for the login and password a chore.

Yes, I've been using KeePass for years - once you get used to the extra work required to set-up the auto-type information for each important password, hitting a hotkey populates the data just as Roboform does.  I use KeePass for a lot more than just passwords though - registration codes can be kept in the notes section, along with an attached copy of the original email.  You can also store all your bank details and other private information there too.

I still use Roboform for holding my contacts list though, which is very useful functionality.

My only concern is the .NET development path that KeePass 2 is heading down, altough is no big deal as Password Safe can easily import a KeePass file if this ever becomes a problem.  Would love to move to Password Safe, but it just doesn't quite have KeePass' functionality and usability yet.

KeePass 1 for me. Has been for quite a while, and I don't see any reason to switch. It's portable too, which is nice.

Yes, I've been using KeePass for years - once you get used to the extra work required to set-up the auto-type information for each important password, hitting a hotkey populates the data just as Roboform does.  I use KeePass for a lot more than just passwords though - registration codes can be kept in the notes section, along with an attached copy of the original email.  You can also store all your bank details and other private information there too.

I still use Roboform for holding my contacts list though, which is very useful functionality.

My only concern is the .NET development path that KeePass 2 is heading down, altough is no big deal as Password Safe can easily import a KeePass file if this ever becomes a problem.  Would love to move to Password Safe, but it just doesn't quite have KeePass' functionality and usability yet.
-mnemonic (December 09, 2007, 05:37 AM)
--- End quote ---

And what exactly are the negative concerns with .NET framework in use?  Seems many useful programs have gone this path... (I am seriously asking as I am just an end-user)


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