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Best password manager?

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Another plug for roboform. Best application ever!

Oh it so pains me to hear all the praise for Roboform...  :( (Yeah... I know it's a good product, but it's still the competition - well... kind of... it's not free...)

However, I will have an announcement in a few weeks for something that does have a very high cool factor, and for password managment, will certainly be of interest for some people here.


Another plug for roboform. Best application ever!
-Josh (November 28, 2007, 06:45 AM)
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You sure this collection of Firefox extensions isn't the best ever? ;)

Perry Mowbray:
Oh it so pains me to hear all the praise for Roboform...  :( (Yeah... I know it's a good product, but it's still the competition - well... kind of... it's not free...)-Renegade (November 28, 2007, 06:53 AM)
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I know... it took me years and years to finally "jump ship"... but I'm glad I did: it really is superior to everything I've tried.

However, I will have an announcement in a few weeks for something that does have a very high cool factor, and for password managment, will certainly be of interest for some people here.-Renegade (November 28, 2007, 06:53 AM)
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Well, that's exciting... if you need people to play, I'd be happy to  :D

Roboform sucks. KeyPass is the best. (no restrictive plugin architecture to bind you to one computer/browser; portable) Fini.


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