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anyone know a commandline tool to add a line of text to end of a text file?

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Unix  cat  in various ports to Windows/DOS

Carol Haynes:
How about good old edlin (built in to DOS and WinXP Command Windows)

See Edlin Command Help

There is also mouse driven DOS command Edit

Stefan mentioned SED and AWK, which are both command-line text manipulation tools.  SED is the simplest, and is best used for regular expression search and replace.  AWK is its own little programming language, and is a more powerful than SED, but much lighter than Perl.

I spent a lot of time exploring text manipulation tools a few years back.  I ended up using AWK and Perl for most things, but then I found Datamystic's TextPipe Pro (shareware, $299), for it's power and ease of use.  I became such a fan of the product that I have since become a reseller.

I might be able to work out a discount deal on TextPipe for DonationCoder members only... Mouser, I will contact you about this offline.

textpipe really looks like a great application; probably even with a real discount it would be out of range for most of us but still any discount for our members would be welcome, and you might just make someone's day :)  :up:

Stefan mentioned SED and AWK, which are both command-line text manipulation tools.  SED is the simplest, and is best used for regular expression search and replace.  AWK is its own little programming language, and is a more powerful than SED, but much -dajo (October 06, 2005, 08:21 AM)
--- End quote ---

Uh, I ended up feeling that SED was a bit like trying to use an early programmable calculator, and that AWK was actually easier simply because it's more like a recognisable language.  Eric Pement has a good Web site for both and also for the kind of command line tools Stefan mentioned (go to his SED page and keep paging down);

Eric Pement's  Web site; SED, Awk, Perl, search-and-replace utilities including useful supplementary information, help and workarounds for Minitrue / MT / MTR / Ministry of Truth under Windows 2000 / Win2K.

One set of Unix utils ported to Windows and including CAT is at

Mouser, here's the online help for the Berkley utils version of cat, more informative than the GNU equivalent;

=== begin quote ===
usage: berkcat file(s)
Concatenates the file(s) to the standard output.
If one of the files is `-', the standard input is used.
No options.
       C:>cat - file1 >newfile
       this is the new first line
       and this is the second.
       C:>mv newfile file1

This is a way to add 2 lines to the beginning of file1 without using
an editor.

To append file1 at the end of file2, type
        cat file1 >> file2
=== end quote ===


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