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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room Yearly Fundraiser for 2007 - Advice Requested Please

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Hey! I got an idea.  :feedback:

I listen to public radio and during their fun raisers they have "matching dollars". This is where somebody, or some organization, pledges to double the amount of money donated during a certain period. Sometimes there is a goal that must be met for the doubling to occur.

Why don't we look into getting some corporate sponsors. Now, we make it clear to them up front that this is strictly them giving DC cash for absolutely nothing in return except good will.

Then you post on the front page the current sponsor and the goal we need to reach and the deadline we need to reach it by to get the doubling. For example, on Jan 1, we get a matching donation from Company XYZ of we raise $100 in donations by Jan 3rd. And then another one kick in for Company YZA if we raise $50 by Jan 5th, etc. Maybe some  dot com millionaire will pledge to match 5:1 for every $1 raised over a 24 hour period.

It's a fun idea but i dont think matching funds are right for our site.  We aren't a real "charity" and i dont think companies will want to do this..  Maybe something similar could be done though.

The fundraiser is coming up in only 12 days!

Please give me some more suggestions of things we can do to encourage people who have signed up but not donated or not participated in the forum to take the plunge. And suggestions for ways to thank people who have already donated.

(note that per our long standing policy, we don't want to do anything that would make people who donated say in december think that they should have waited).

What about a special software drawing (of the better giveaways) for people who have been active in the forum with at least 5 posts (or something like that) in January, to draw some people out. :)

But make sure that the five posts have to come from wallflowers! Perhaps people who have not posted recently (3 months, 6 months, ever or something like that).


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