I see what you mean.. every profiled desktop has the contents of the real desktop, every desktop contents is carried to another desktop when the profile is selected?

like hiding contents by its profile? then getting organized folders? I think its too much complicated while all i need is a floating explorer w/o its window(desktop functions replica).
my idea is an "empty" and "independent" desktops (besides recycle bin) for them to "decide" what to put in their desk (just like a table, theres a gaming table desk, working table desk, reading table desk ~ etc) each of these Desktop folders correspond to "assignable" area (like Photoshops is Drive G:\PIX, Office is Drive F:\, your USB ~ Etc) while the real desktop is unaffected(coz of the MS bug when refreshing, check the link in my first post here)
Only the real desktop has apps shortcuts, while the rest of the profiled desktop are empty, every desktop has different contents. as this would be their real "storage" is located. Actually, shortcuts will be decided and be copied by the users, an application shortcut that match a desktop profile.(e.g. Office Desktop has only Excel and MS Word Shortcuts with some folders and files you are currently working with, Other desktop is just for organizing downloads)
tapping the upper corner of your screen will show the other desktop (just like "Expose") but much simpler (as performance-wise) for just selecting screen
The main point is.. desktop is the area where you can easily drop/drag items, organize files & reminds you of your work desk. its much bigger than windows explorer. and is always available when hitting "win+d" specially when your working with some multi-tasking project. Your desktop is the "home" or root of your files inventory. It would be much easier when the desktops are profiled, ~ separated to other groups or organized by profile so it wouldn't look so messed up and is very manageable.
This idea is much manageable for a single user PC with so much things you are working on, rather using another windows profile login to organize or profile the work desk when your the only one whose using it.