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houseforge recommendation November 2007: Pidgin
About houseforge: In this series I recommend tools that meet certain criteria: they have to be free of charge, useful or fun, and they have to work at least on both linux and windows.
Suggestions are welcome :)
The Past
The last houseforge recommendation brought you keepass. It's been over a year since that post, more than 12 months since I promised regular postings.
The present
Shamefully admit I didn't live up to that promise. However, this month I present
:Thmbsup:The houseforge recommendation for November 2007! :Thmbsup:
It's all about the internets these days, so this time I ask you to take a look at pidgin:
Name:Pidgin IMPurpose:Multi-platform, multi-protocol instant messengerURL:
Pidgin IM runs on Windows, Linux, BSD, and other Unixes.-
--- End quote ---
It claims to support these IM protocols (copied from their homepage, (comments) added):
* Bonjour
* Gadu-Gadu
* Google Talk
* Groupwise
* IRC (ok, not really IM but oh well, it's used for chatting)
* MySpaceIM
* QQ
* Sametime
* XMPP (a.k.a. jabber)
* Yahoo!
* Zephyr
This is a mighty long list! :o
And now for a long list of screenshots (taken from: softpedia, snapfiles, softonic, and naturally,; and from friends), this list is in no particular order:
houseforge recommendation November 2007: Pidginhouseforge recommendation November 2007: Pidginhouseforge recommendation November 2007: Pidginhouseforge recommendation November 2007: Pidginhouseforge recommendation November 2007: Pidginhouseforge recommendation November 2007: Pidginhouseforge recommendation November 2007: Pidginhouseforge recommendation November 2007: Pidginhouseforge recommendation November 2007: Pidginhouseforge recommendation November 2007: Pidginhouseforge recommendation November 2007: Pidgin
The End
Pidgin supports so many protocols, works on several platforms, has a cute mascot (similar to our cody), and their irc support channel was responsive. If you are looking an all-in-one solution to your platform-agnostic IM needs, I am positive Pidgin IM is for you! :up: :up:
Once I get GnuPG into pidgin I will use it for almost all (nothing can beat xchat for irc yet) my chatty purposes, and it is looking good because there already is an encryption plugin for pidgin.
Thanks for this post housetier. I've been looking for somehing like this. Looking forward for more recommendations.
And thank YOU for the kind reply :)
Thanks for another nice episode of HouseForge!
Hope to see many more :up: :up:
Thanks! Nice summary. Just in case anyone didn't know, Pidgin is the IM client formerly known as GAIM. They had to change their name to avoid legal tangles with AOL.
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