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The Dvorak Zine - fun comic telling story of the Dvorak keyboard
The history of the bad Qwerty keyboard we all use today is wonderfully bizarre. It makes for great dinner conversation and is sure to boggle the minds of small children. Here's a fun comic about the more logical Dvorak keyboard which tells that history and how the Dvorak keyboard came about.
The Dvorak Zine is a 24 page zine that uses the power of Comics to promote Dvorak. It is broken down into three chapters: 1) The history of the typewriter and the development of the QWERTY keyboard; 2) An explanation of the Dvorak Simplified Keyboard layout and its many benefits; and 3) Easy-to-follow steps for setting up Dvorak on your computer and tips on how to learn it!
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I've been meaning to learn Dvorak for a couple years now. My friend did it, and my brother, too.
One thing that's nice, mentioned in the comic and reaffirmed by my brother, is that if other people try to use your computer, they have no idea how to type what they want. From a security standpoint it's nice.
A couple of problems though: Many keyboard shortcuts are based on QWERTY to be easily accessible with your finger lengths/positions. This is especially apparent in video games. Try navigating with WASD on Dvorak. Thankfully most games let you remap the keys, or, as the comic instructs, it can be very easy to switch between QWERTY and Dvorak.
My biggest concern is how it will affect my programming speed. Because you actually DO use the semicolon a lot while programming, and those other funky characters.
that's a really interesting one -
I've never learned how to type....
anyone know if there's versions for other language keyboards..**
anyone here using this?
** :( only an option for us keyboards... boooo
interesting though, they have a Dvorjak, PLUS left AND right-hand versions
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Nice going mouser! Draw all this attention to the poor guy, DDOS his site with visitors and soak up all his bandwidth. :D
Oh well... Let's hope he increases his limit. Heck. It's only the 11th of the month now and he's already over!
Oh damn.. "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded" :(
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