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Maybe Vista doesn't suck?

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Carol: me too!  8) In the year 2048 we will all drive around in Sinclair C5's with HUD mount ZX-80s...

It will not happen -- or if it does someone will fork the kernel and produce a version without all that DRM crap.
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Ah, I'd not thought this through. My big fear for OS X has been the eventual "upgrade" to DRMed OS X, but as the kernel is open-source I think hackers will simply build a fork we can use instead of the official kernel.

Ralf Maximus:
There is a slim possibility that the whole DRM fracas will die down soon and the media companies will drop the whole thing in favor of some new approach.  Perhaps they will discover a sane way to license music and movies without treating the customers as crooks.

It happened with cassette audio tapes, and again with VHS in the 1970s.  For years they struggled to embed lockouts in tape machines to prevent users from illegally copying tapes, or recording from source.  That eventually stopped when the numbers came in and they paid attention: consumer recording actually ENHANCED interest in the licensed materials.

Maybe the wrinkly old bastards in charge will take a lesson from history and back off on DRM.

It's funny - I often think about the advent of the audio cassette in the late '60s and the video tape in the mid to late 70's and wonder if there was this level of paranoia about piracy. I recorded songs off FM radio, entire albums off friends without a care in the world and didn't hear or read a peep about piracy when "I were a lad" in the 80's... Now you can't swing a dead chicken without worrying about DRM (well, CRM in that case...). I guess it's the perceived scale of the "problem" today?

Ralf Maximus:
I often think about the advent of the audio cassette in the late '60s and the video tape in the mid to late 70's and wonder if there was this level of paranoia about piracy.

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You betcha.

Well, that settles that (scratches an old itch, so to speak). I suppose today's teens are just as blissfully unaware of/unmoved by the legality of swapping music. Some interesting reading, Ralf. Thanks. I liked the anecdote about the Dead Kennedy's tape that was released blank on one side, labelled: "Home taping is killing big business profits. We left this side blank so you can help" (even if most people didn't have the equipment to actually record anything on it).


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