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ESET Smart Security

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First thoughts of Scot Finnie:

But I've made a decision in the opposite direction about Eset Smart Security suite. Take a pass on this one. The firewall seems very pedestrian; it's able to handle only three of the leaktests on my list of 17. And what's with the antispam module? That doesn't belong in a package like this. The best thing about Eset Smart Security is Nod32 3.0 and the fact that you can turn the other two modules off.

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I suppose that means the firewall is secure enough. I don't like that he now focuses in leak testing before usability. Oh well, I think Ken knows better about this, after all his past fights with Comodo ;)
-Lashiec (November 06, 2007, 11:52 AM)
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Not that I did any tests with it, but I was afraid that's what might happen. I have been looking at the Outpost suite the last few days. I like it so far and have not seen any performance drop or cpu spiking from the program. Of course, neither have I seen any formal testing of the antivirus aspect of this suite. If it's adequate though, I would really like to go with an integrated suite. Agnitum has moved the product in the direction of not having to rely on signatures and I think the developers responded well to the leak test problems that were previously found on formal testing (though retesting has not been done to the best of my knowledge). The outpost suite is also extremely reasonably priced. So, I guess I'll .......


Regarding the leak tests, then it is important to remember that Eset several times has declared that they are taking another point of view than the "traditional". The new Eset firewall is handling the leaks in a different way, which will make it seem as if they are not handled at all, but they are. I don't quite understand the procedure, but you can read about it at Wilders Security Forum. Scott Finnie is not a guru of mine.

Actually, although I have tremendous respect for Eset and NOD32 and thought I would use their combination product, I think I am more interested in performance tests of Outpost and its antivirus component. Who knows though, maybe I'll just keep using both products as I have been.


Willtech Online:
For those DC members preferring not to have to register for a trial, here's a set of hotlinks to the current (at the time of posting) English trial versions with embedded username and password sets.

ESET Smart Security
ESET Smart Security (Microsoft ® Windows® Vista/XP/2000 - 32bit) v3.0.563

ESET Smart Security (Microsoft ® Windows® Vista/XP/2000 - 64bit) v3.0.563

ESET NOD32 Antivirus
ESET NOD32 Antivirus 3.0 (Microsoft ® Windows® Vista/XP/2000 - 32bit) v3.0.563

ESET NOD32 Antivirus 3.0 (Microsoft ® Windows® Vista/XP/2000 - 64bit) v3.0.563

As a reseller I can tell you that the Australian distributor has decided to offer free upgrade to ESS for all current Australian NOD32 licence holders and currently licenced Australian users of any competing suite.

Cheers :)

Have used Eset Smart Security since mid June this year on Windows XP laptop and Vista Desktop. Now have fully licensed suites on both computers. Small footprint, non intrusive software that does indeed learn fast from user experience. No popups!. Now that's a change from Zone Alarm, Outpost, Kerio, Kaspersky and Comodo, all of which I have used and discarded, mainly for the reason of excessive popups and poor learning skills.


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