ATTENTION: You are viewing a page formatted for mobile devices; to view the full web page, click HERE. Software > GOE 2007 Challenge Downloads

GOE 2007 Programming Contest for November 2007

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I am trying to get version 0.3 of HowLong2It in before the midnight deadline. It is based on one of the suggestions of a member.

Some cool stuff!

Blaster cool your jets  8)

We're always just a little slow around here ending contests.  Actually contest is the wrong word since there aren't any winners.  But we'll post a summary of all the entries and then collect addresses to send the reward cups.

The special image for the challenge is not yet drawn.

I'll be making a web page listing all of these entries (like the one at, so please make sure you all have a screenshot you like attached to your post.

Anyone who wants some web space at just ask.  If you have a website please feel free to make a web page for your app and host it there, with only a screenshot, link, and description here.

Should i make a special subsection of this forum section where people can start a new thread for their program so that each will have its own thread?

All participants:

You will be getting a custom rare limited edition GOE Programming Challenge mug starring our mascot Cody.

If you already have a mug (or don't like mugs), please go to this cafepress shop page for donationcoder: or go to for even more products, and pick out something you want instead of a mug (don't worry about the images on the objects -- whatever you choose will have the GOE challenge cody on it).

Then fill in your full name and shipping address and submit it here:
MAKE SURE TO add that this is for the GOE programming prize and specify if you want something other than a mug.

Once the web page summarizing all the entries is up, i'd like to ask everyone who likes these kinds of events on DC to send a few credits to the authors to encourage this kind of thing  :up:


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