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NEW Cody wallpapers for Halloween

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Today is a special day for Cody as he has two new wallpapers he'd like you to see.

There are two sets, each set has five wallpaper sizes - this is to cover all of the different screen aspect ratios.

If you don't see the correct pixel width and height dimensions for your monitor but you know its aspect ratio then just download the wallpaper with the same aspect ratio - it should then scale to fit properly. reboot

dimensions: 1280 x 1024, ratio: 5:4
reboot_1280-x-1024-(5;4).jpg (294.01 kB. 1280x1024 - viewed 581 times.)

dimensions: 1440 x 960, ratio: 3:2 or 15:10
reboot_1440-x-960-(3;2-or-15;10).jpg (292.31 kB. 1440x960 - viewed 597 times.)

dimensions: 1600 x 1200, ratio 4:3
reboot_1600-x-1200-(4;3).jpg (377.39 kB. 1600x1200 - viewed 616 times.)

dimensions: 1920 x 1080, ratio 16:9 HD TV
reboot_1920-x-1080-(HD-16;9).jpg (422.45 kB. 1920x1080 - viewed 594 times.)

dimensions: 1920 x 1200, ratio 16:10
reboot_1920-x-1200-(16;10).jpg (429.62 kB. 1920x1200 - viewed 614 times.)

crystal ball

dimensions: 1280 x 1024, ratio: 5:4
crystalball_1280-x-1024-(5;4).jpg (226.13 kB. 1280x1024 - viewed 602 times.)

dimensions: 1440 x 960, ratio: 3:2 or 15:10
crystalball_1440-x-960-(3;2-or-15;10).jpg (201.09 kB. 1440x960 - viewed 579 times.)

dimensions: 1600 x 1200, ratio 4:3
crystalball_1600-x-1200-(4;3).jpg (264.66 kB. 1600x1200 - viewed 585 times.)

dimensions: 1920 x 1080, ratio 16:9 HD TV
crystalball_1920-x-1080-(HD-16;9).jpg (275.61 kB. 1920x1080 - viewed 577 times.)

dimensions: 1920 x 1200, ratio 16:10
crystalball_1920-x-1200-(16;10).jpg (295.06 kB. 1920x1200 - viewed 572 times.)

If you aren't sure about the aspect ratio of your screen then you will most likely be able to find it here

A full screen version of the scene inside the crystal ball will also be available either later on here or on or just ask me if I forget.

i'm speechless.  :-*

my favorite part is the view of cody in cap and scarf looking very cool in 3d style.  :up:

:up: super stuff nudone :Thmbsup:

amazing detail(s) in there!!

The second one is gorgeous! Great work.

Everything about the frankencody pic delights me.  Especially seeing Cody standing on one foot to pull the lever.  And the dumb, duffus look on the nice monster.  But, oh no, there's more: love those fabulous clips holding the monster's ears together 8)  -- and who's that peering through the door?  Ah, some inside jokes, too.  Looks like Cody's favorite uncle may have financed this little venture.

Nudone, I still have your amazing hallowe'en pic from last year with Cody looking scared, but brave, as he navigates through some spooky woods.  Can you provide it for us here, for those who haven't been delighted by it yet?

I love the way Cody lights up all our scary places so we don't have to be afraid.:-*


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