Looks good Winkie

is there a limit on keys that can be used as shortcuts?
I have an english OS (XP SP2) but my keyboard (& location) are german(y). Shortcuts often show in german e.g.
STRG + ALT + AKUT (*see below) to which the response is
Error: "AKUT" is not a valid key name. The current thread will exit.
051: }
052: MI_SetMenuItemBitmap(hTrayMenu, 10, 8)
054: Gosub,ReadIni
055: Gosub,SetHotkey
056: Gosub,ShowTrayTip
057: Menu,ATF_Menu,Add
058: Return
---> 061: Hotkey,%ATF_Hotkey%,ShowATF,ON
062: Return
065: RebuildMenu()
067: MI_ShowMenu("ATF_Menu")
068: Return
071: WinActivate,%A_ThisMenuItem%
072: Return
075: if bShowDesktop
note it doesnt
appear to have a problem with STRG (Control) so maybe it's not a problem with the language?
I tried ALT + ^ [Zirkumflex] - as that's just above my TAB key (so I could have the best of both) but that not accepted either.
* AKUT = ´
As a mostly left handed mouser something like the example above [RightAlt(which shows as Ctrl+Alt)+´] would be ideal for me on this keyboard.