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IDEA: MP3 player with copy/move feature

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I wanted to let everyone know I finally found what I was looking for. Yes I have been searching ever since the post. I can finally shower and shave!  :o

I found this wonderful freeware, yes freeware program that is small, fast and simple.

It is called the Directory Player by 1by1 software

Thanks again for everyone who takes the time to help out on these sometime esoteric requests.


Thanks for the link Larry, i may just try 1by1, it sounds like the kind of mp3 player i want:
1by1 is a small, fast and handy audio player which is not only small: it provides a smart and versatile environment to handle your file collection and listen to your tracks - with no need for playlists or databases.
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Thanks for the link Larry, i may just try 1by1, it sounds like the kind of mp3 player i want:
1by1 is a small, fast and handy audio player which is not only small: it provides a smart and versatile environment to handle your file collection and listen to your tracks - with no need for playlists or databases.
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-mouser (September 08, 2008, 12:26 PM)
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I am glad someone else likes the idea. Let me know what you think after kicking the tires.


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