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FARR v2 - Official Bug Tracking and Feature Request Thread

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Thanx mouser for your answer.
I think that the icons are also not read correctly if you use system variables for the "search folders"

Anyways, i just discovered that if i use FARR in portable mode and it's in the "portable" folder then i can just simply add the "search folders" as is and FARR will update it to the correct path on the next PC it is run.
For example at work my portable drive is E and at home it's D, at work i added "e:\tools" in the "search folders" list and at home it automagically transformed into "d:\tools"  :greenclp:
Even the "alternative browser"'s path works the same way :Thmbsup:

So, the environment variable support in the alternative browser would be useful, but it's not something urgent or vital since there's a workaround for it (as long as FARR is on the same drive as the browser itself).

Mouser, could you update core alias "DC" to use HTTPS instead of the HTTP protocol? I know that I could disable the alias and alter the copy, but I believe it would be better to have more secure protocol in the original.

Just a couple of minor issues I've noticed, these could be down to my newbishness  :huh:, but I thought I'd post them and see if I can help future users in any way:

In the Core-Search.alias the music alias uses the .+ in the regular expression which means when using your example from the MYMUSIC search folder entry with the music optional modifier keyword, my music searches will not open in my default music player it just ends up searching web sites for that music file.  I know you can change the optional modifier to something different, but I thought I'd mention it as it had me confused for a while until I did a bit of digging.

In the Core-Farr.alias helpfarr alias the "FARR - Search Help | restartsearch fhelp\s" doesn't appear to work, if I remove the \s then it works.

FARR is a brilliant tool by the way, so thanks for all the hard work that has obviously gone into it and all the plugins, I'll be telling everyone I know about it.  :Thmbsup:

Welcome to the site, wolvie, and thanks for the nice words  :up:

im not sure im completely following the point about the .+ music thing..

In the Core-Farr.alias helpfarr alias the "FARR - Search Help | restartsearch fhelp\s" doesn't appear to work, if I remove the \s then it works.
--- End quote ---
seems to work here..

Could be something to do with my setup then that was causing the issue, no worries.  Thanks for the quick reply.


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