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News and Reviews > Official Announcements

Mouser Sabbatical from DC Coding for 3 of months - Your Help Requested Please

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I'll do my best providing new content for the blog. I still have some things I found time ago screaming for a opportunity, so sooner or later, I'll give them a topic of their own :)

I'll probably write some reviews as well, but considering the scope, maybe they'll turn into full fledged reviews... :o

Thanks for your hard work mouser; yes, a break would certainly be a good idea if that's what you want!

I have no idea how I could contribute to the website though, mouser...  besides posting...

Some mini reviews, maybe? But I don't know if my English is good enough for that. I also have to focus as much as possible on m PhD, so it's hard to promise anything. I could try.  :-\

Thanks for your hard work mouser; yes, a break would certainly be a good idea if that's what you want!
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Just to make clear -- I don't want to take a break from DC and as you can see I'm still here and will continue to be here -- it's just that i have to work on another project full time for the next few months in order to pay the bills, and so i won't have nearly as much time as normal for working on DC stuff during this period.

So I need to lean on you guys and get some help keeping the site active and interesting and filled to the brim with new stuff.  :Thmbsup:

Just to make clear -- I don't want to take a break from DC and as you can see I'm still here and will continue to be here -- it's just that i have to work on another project full time for the next few months in order to pay the bills, and so i won't have nearly as much time as normal for working on DC stuff during this period.
-mouser (October 24, 2007, 06:43 PM)
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That's what I understood. But thanks for clarifying!  :)

I'd like to make a small request too.

Everyone knows that our forum is closely monitored for spam, but with mouser a bit more absent, when the other global mods are a bit more busy some spam can get past the defense lines, like has happened today with 2 or 3 topics that were alive for more time than usual.

Thus, in these situations, i'd like the people who see these posts to press the "report to moderator" link, so that as soon as we get to our e-mail, we can delete those.

Latelly, i haven't had time to follow closely the forum, thus, when i get to read the spammy post, it has already been alive for some time. On the other hand, i check my e-mail several times a day, and read every e-mail immediatelly, thus, if you report the spam, it'll be much more quickly deleted (or moved to the "announce your product" section).



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