Software > Find And Run Robot
Latest FARR Release 2.250.0 beta - Mar 23, 2020
Mouser, the software is good, but I must tell you that I never saw in a software interface fonts as little as those used by you in the options for FARR. Really, you should make the fonts bigger, the options panel is resizable so it shouldn't be a problem. Many users will thank you for that.
And of course FARR doesn't support Unicode, so typing Ș and Ț results in the display of ? and ?
This new version is amazing.
It's just mindblowing
Good work mouser.
Looking forward for the Final version :Thmbsup: :-*
Maybe that has been mentioned before : farr finds but cannot launch a file if it has a space as the last character of its name
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There still seems to be a problem with certain characters and folder names. I'm not 100% sure, but it seems to be related to the "É" character (only?).
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could you maybe test if the problem isn't with all UPPERCASE diacriticals? I wonder if it's not a case-related thing.
By the way, I still have a couple FARR Plugin Creator Mugs to give away to new plugin writers.
Info on creating a plugin here:
Mousey, after 1 year of alpha status, I don't see how making it public beta ISN'T a huge move. Come on now, it's had one year of HEAVY rock, now the public gets to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
-Josh (October 22, 2007, 10:44 AM)
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Fixed :P ;D
*Lashiec checks up the browser two times, makes sure the interface chair-computer is working at full power, reconnects the eyes-brain bus...*
So it's actually true! Well done! Now FARR can regain the lost time, but let's wait a bit more before we spread the word :Thmbsup:
Armando, which is the font you're using in your shots?
EDIT: Now complies with mouser's requisites ;)
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