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Latest FARR Release 2.250.0 beta - Mar 23, 2020

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Filipe Meira Castro:

No indexing in FARR. The alias is triggered by appending two spaces the end of a search string. The alias opens everything.exe with the search query from FARR.

I use it when searching for things in FARR, if it doesn't provide a result, just append two spaces, same query is then searched in Everything

-skajfes (February 10, 2020, 02:18 AM)
--- End quote ---

Ok! Looks a good idea still, will give it a try someday... or hopefully mouser gets inspired and implement indexing that would be handy at least for a 1st stage search ;)

Filipe Meira Castro:
Launch file, Keep FARR opened and Continue searching! - "ctrl+dbl click" launches the file and keeps FARR opened but it should also keep populating results insead of stopping further search!

@mouser, maybe a good idea to be included on the next version? ;)

Minor beta release:

Version 2.250.00 - Mar 8, 2020

* [BugFix] Using #filecontents with empty file caused FARR to lock the file so it could not be written outside of FARR; thanks Nod5!
* [Feature] You can now specify %search% in custom toolbar buttons to send the contents of the search edit box to a tool.

For me the beta did not fix the 'Explore here' problem - the path still gets truncated (I am using Directory Opus as the explorer).

Can you elaborate a little on what's happening and what should be happening?


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