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Free virtualization options

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Hm, Parallels isn't MAC-only anymore? worth a try, then...

MS VirtualPC is fine - though on both machines I've installed it on the cooling unit kicks into high gear pretty much the instant the VM opens up. I'm relatively content with it...There's the odd niggle - like I've got one that insists on opening full screen and I've not found a way to disable it but other than things like that it works and it's free. Good enough for now.

Parallels does look nice and the price is not outrageous - I'll be keeping a lookout for reviews.

Carol Haynes:
Parallels seems to have been available for Windows for the last year or so and is in version 2.

I haven't done much with it yet but I installed it with a trial key with no problems. I downloaded ASPLinux (VM appliance) which started up without problems and I installed Windows XP from the installation CD.

It seems to access USB devices natively but I need to experiment to see how well they work. You can attach physical drives or disc images for CD/DVD drives and floppies.

All seems to work fine.

It is remarkably similar in look and feel to VMware Workstation 5 which I have also - but if anything it seems a bit lighter on resources.

Thanks Carol - that's good to know. I'm still reeling a bit over the price. The sticker shock associated with VMWare has me permanently scarred, expecting to pay BIG money for proprietary solutions like this. I may have to download a trial.

Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1 is now available.


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