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Counter-Strike Fun
IMO Source is much better than 1.6. Graphics, AI, and gameplay have all gotten a boost.
-wreckedcarzz (October 02, 2008, 10:44 PM)
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Naturally. But as far as I knew, the CS 1.6 is free and CS:Source isn't. Is that incorrect?
it was given away then for those who had pre-ordered HL2 but now you need fork out some dosh to get your hands on it. :)
Ok, so, when and where? IP and time...let's do this :Thmbsup:
I'll see about getting a server up this weekend? School is being a bear on me lately... 2 failing test grades in 2 classes = :( :o :huh: :-[ :tellme: :tellme: :tellme:
And CS:S is not free, but I do have modified copies. *Cough*
(But it is only like $20 on Steam)
brandon -- concentrate on your school work and take a break from games and DC.
This is the #1 rule of DC: No one is allowed to let their work or school suffer here.
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