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SQLNotes...what is it exactly?

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The ksdhtmledit yahoo group is:

Kurt Senfer, the author, is very helpful. Perhaps he can help you register it.

PPLandry, it seems like wikilinks is not working? Can you give us an example of how to use it in sql notes?

Wiki links in the HTML pane has been disabled temporarly since it needs fixing.

In the grid:

From the doc.
Hyperlinks can be added. Format is < a xxx>linkText < /a >
where xxx can be:
1- an itemID
2- a Field/folder enclosed in [ ]
3- a Wikitag. Wikitags are enclosed in { } and entered in the WikiTag field
4- href='AWebAddress'

If the linked item is in the grid, focus is moved to it. Otherwise or if the link returns more than 1 item, the scratchpad grid is opened with the linked item(s).
Examples can be found in the new template (File>New) in the Links grid

Improvements to come:
1- Wiki link to an non-existing item will promt you if you want to automatically create the item
2- Selecting text, you'll be able to convert it a link to a new item containing the selected text
3- Re-enable Wiki links in the HTML pane
4- UI to create links

Basically, I want this to be as easy to use as other apps (wikipad, wikispace, etc)

I actually read the doc. I can create the wikilinks tag. But I am not sure about how it works.

PPLandry, I personally think that Sqlnotes is pretty easy and straight forward. My main suggestion would be speed improvements, especially menu speeds etc.


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