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Auto-capture A Window Each Time The Window Changes/Updates - Screenshot Captor

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Hi ... Is it possible to create a hotkey that silently captures monitor 1 and another hotkey that silently captures monitor 2 no matter which window/monitor is active or has the computer's focus using Screenshot Captor?

Let me describe my problem. I have a dual-head monitor setup running 2 applications that monitor a patient's vital signs (EKG on monitor 1 & various vital signs on monitor 2). I would like to auto-capture an entire window/monitor (monitor 2) every time that window changes. The window consists of multiple, character-based text fields that update at the same time, every 2 to 5 minutes and I would like to (silently or covertly or without having to make the window/monitor active) automatically capture the entire window/monitor without user intervention each time the fields are updated in this window.

This "auto-capture on window change" feature coupled to the wonderful functions already in Screenshot Captor would be my ideal solution.

Any suggestions or workarounds?

Any way to quickly capture the same window/monitor with a single Keystroke or hotkey, no matter what window/monitor is active or has the computer's focus?

I realize it is easy enough to make the desired window/monitor active and then use Alt-PrtScr/PrtScr to capture the desired window/monitor using Screenshot Captor as is but I really need to create a window capture system that is user proof and automatic remembers to capture the desired window/monitor when it changes.

I suppose I could create a hotkey for the capture of the Multi-monitor workspace and that would make it as simple as possible for my users to create a capture that contains the desired information ... they don't have to change focus or make the desired window active ... they just have to remember to press one hotkey sequence.

Thanks ... Charles

I think this is a great feature.
It would make ssc compete with those tracking programs that can capture your window every X seconds, and them show that to you as a movie at the end of the day.

It's pretty illuminating to see where your time goes...

Yes ... to be able to auto-capture a window each time that window changes/updates would be a very powerful feature ... later ... Charles

Great idea cvbusa
Very great idea !

I have never used Screenshot Captor's MiniCap but the description suggest that is it might be a good candidate for modification so as to launch an application and then auto-capture that application's main window when the window is changed or updated? The Windows (2000, XP & Vista) API must have numerous built-in hooks that monitor a window for change/update that could be used to trigger "auto-capture on change"?


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