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IDEA: Timer based on real time

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That was disheartening ! :( but thanks for the appreciation.
-destiny_ruler (October 13, 2007, 10:50 AM)
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I might not be able to use it but it looks like you have a lot of other fans that will.
Thanks again.

Sorry I haven't uploaded yet but real life got in the way today, I'll work on it some more this evening.
BTW my version requires no framework to operate.
-Cpilot (October 12, 2007, 06:07 PM)
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Hi Cpilot,

Been using your program for the past few days and it is working great. No need to rush the changes.
-wetsmellydog (October 13, 2007, 10:37 AM)
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Glad to hear it, when I get it ready I'll throw it up here.
Sometimes real life can be a pain.  :D
It's a beautiful weekend here and it seems that my adult children have "activities" planned for me.

can someone test my application ? I want to be assured it works the way I want on other systems too.

can someone test my application ? I want to be assured it works the way I want on other systems too.
-destiny_ruler (October 14, 2007, 03:36 AM)
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I'll (happily) give it a go tomorrow  :up:

can someone test my application ? I want to be assured it works the way I want on other systems too.
-destiny_ruler (October 14, 2007, 03:36 AM)
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xp home / up-to-date

it's working nicely here, unfortunately my sound card isn't working (brand new pc but havent had time to get to that yet)
popups are coming up nicely on time -
I'm finding it a helpful reminder of time passing by which makes me think "what am i doing right now" each time it pops up  :)

Would be nice:
1) if it closed to systray
2) if you could right click on systray icon for to close it or whatever -
nothing happens here anyways when I do - have to double click it to open it & then close it
3) if on (re)starting one just had to click "activate" instead of "apply changes" & then "activate" - but thats a minor one  :)


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