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IDEA: Timer based on real time

<< < (4/11) > >>

destiny_ruler, i love the icon for it, but when i run it i get an error:
"Error reading configuration. Application will close now."

i have .net 2.x installed, not sure of exact version #.

destiny_ruler, i love the icon for it, but when i run it i get an error:
"Error reading configuration. Application will close now."

i have .net 2.x installed, not sure of exact version #.
-mouser (October 12, 2007, 07:16 PM)
--- End quote ---

Same here, for both points...

OOps..........I didnt upload everything out ! :P I am sorry.....I will modify my code to generate a sample Configuration for first run. Give me few mins from now. :) Also, I might add a splash !

Full and Final Release......Will work for sure !


+ Drag and drop support for wav file ( Directly drag files to the text box )
+ Splash
+ AutoConfigure on first run
. Switched from 12 hours format to 24 hours format

Please report bugs to planetcall   [@] Gmail [ DOT ] COM

Heh....enough time invested...... Now time to take a shower ;)


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