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The worst thing about Macs
By the way, my Macbook is the best Laptop I've owned (IBM Thinkpad, Dell, and Acer being the previous competition), and it isn't because I'm some middle-class lobotomised zombie with heavy pockets...
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-Darwin (October 18, 2007, 09:23 PM)
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Well actually, maybe I am? ;)
However, if we could learn to recognize when it becomes overactive and apply the brakes... that would be a very good thing indeed.
And Macs suck.
-Ralf Maximus (October 19, 2007, 01:18 AM)
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Brilliant! You should do standup ;)
The odd thing is, this discrimination ability we share is part of what makes us so creative and successful. The ability to note differences and act upon them in our environment goes to the core of our existence. We are, literally, wired in our DNA to play the "one of these things is not like the other" game better than any other creature we know of. To deny it is silly. -Ralf Maximus (October 19, 2007, 01:18 AM)
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I absolutely agree. I often inflame people by suggesting all humans are innately racist (neutrally) from the very start of their cognitive development. The problem is recognising the stereotypes we make to bring order to a chaotic high dimensional world and being able to understand when they hinder our ability to interact with the world.
And computer OSs suck! :P
Who said 'arrogant' I certainly didn't. ... though I would argue that many make the choice based on outdated knowledge of the effectiveness of alternative operating systems).-Carol Haynes (October 19, 2007, 03:01 AM)
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So you are inferring they are arrogant as they are unable to realise their decision to use Mac is not based in fact when they think it is.
By the way OSX is a repackaged BSD OS - OK they have added a few bits and pieces here and there and changed the look and feel.-Carol Haynes (October 19, 2007, 03:01 AM)
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The microkernal is a very small part of the large frameworks that makes OS X; the majority of *any* OS rests in the APIs and large frameworks (carbon and coacoa in OS X which is NeXT derived not BSD *at all*!) which make up its environment. This is where OS X has some advantages, and which is perhaps why apps like Quicksilver or Scrivener seem to effortlessly appear on OS X when excellent windows programmers working hard don't get as close to that functionality. Look I really can't be bothered to get into an API pissing contest with you — it was *not* the purpose of my post — but I want to emphasise you criticise tribe X of being ignorant of Windows (your opinion of professional Mac users) then *you* do exactly the same (ignorance of OS X) - please just reflect on that a bit...
what I'm trying to say in my very roundabout manner is -
relax a bit, nontroppo-tomos (October 19, 2007, 03:45 AM)
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<adopt lotus position>ok</adopt lotus position> :P
But you know, one can be passionate *and* relaxed…
Carol Haynes:
Quote from: Carol Haynes on Today at 09:01:42
Who said 'arrogant' I certainly didn't. ... though I would argue that many make the choice based on outdated knowledge of the effectiveness of alternative operating systems).
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So you are inferring they are arrogant as they are unable to realise their decision to use Mac is not based in fact when they think it is.
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Did you actually read what I said - I said the opposite. It is true that many professionals (particularly in the design and media world) use Macs because they perceive them best for the job. They are very good at doing the job and I have no problem with professionals making that choice.
From my experience of talking to some of them it is obvious however that they base some of their decision on an outdated view of what Windows is capable of and how it has changed over the years. In the early years (back in the 80s) Windows was truly hopeless at design and media tasks but now Windows will run practically all of the software they require (in identical versions) just as effectively as a Mac - but at a fraction of the hardware cost and with greater flexibility and choice in additional hardware and software. If they don't want cost savings, choice and flexibility that is up to them - I have no gripe whatsoever if they want to stick with Macs at all.
Outside that somewhat esoteric professional environment I can't really see what motivates people to use Macs ????
I am not an apologist for Windows and I do think it has some serious issues (along with Linux) but I think on balance the Windows/Linux platform delivers much more of a bang for your buck than the average Mac setup and Windows offers a hugely greater flexibility in software and hardware choice.
Enough said - I guess we aren't going to agree on this - which pretty much illustrates the point that peoples' opinions generally divide on this issue and everyone ends up in a particular camp.
Enough said - I guess we aren't going to agree on this-Carol Haynes (October 19, 2007, 06:28 AM)
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To reiterate, I'm not even talking about OSs - I talking about humans making sterotypical and potentially facile assumptions about other tribes, especially when the assumption is that they are making facile assumptions about your tribe... ;)
Look, why not base your assumptions on mutual respect? Instead of "I can't understand why tribe X eats dirt" — "I'm sure there must be some reason I don't understand why they do". That is the distinction between "difference" and "denigration"...
[edit:typo corrected]
Carol Haynes:
Last comments ...
How is it an invalid comment or a xenophobic comment to say "I don't know why people eat caviar?". There are lots of people out there who like caviar - personally I find it a grotesque and unpleasant food and I think pretentious people who like to show off buy eating something that is so disgusting are stupid.
It is exactly the same issue with Macs as far as i am concerned - I am saying "I don't understand why people will pay out premium prices for Mac computers". I did say if they have a need or a good reason to choose a Mac then that is up to them but at least the decision should be made from an informed base.
We all have opinions about all sorts of things - my personal opinion is that anyone who buys a Mac without a very specific reason (such as professional graphic design use) has more money than sense, I would say the same thing about people who buy expensive cars or go on ridiculously expensive holidays! It's not discrimination to think somebody has made a stupid decision - it is an opinion and I am entitled to my opinion. It doesn't mean I won't give my friend with a Mac a hug next time I see her or spend my life telling her she is stupid !!!
By definition anyone who buys a Mac belongs to the set of people who have bought Macs - I can't make a comment about Mac users without referring to that set of people. This thread started with an article about Mac zealots and I think it is reasonable to say what you think about any kind of zealotry - which is usually based on bigotry.
By the way I think you mean "denigration" - not that I wish to denigrate you. ;D
Now that's me out of this discussion.
There are lots of people out there who like caviar - personally I find it a grotesque and unpleasant food
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Know what you mean. I got talked into trying Marmite once. :)
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