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The worst thing about Macs
Ralf Maximus:
I think humans have a tendency to generalize and segregate based on EVERYTHING. The "my computer is better than yours" thing is the most convenient and obvious example, because we're all so focused on technology around here.
Gear-heads fight over Chevy vs. Ford, and both camps hate the Japanese cars.
Modern American politics is an exercise in vilifying the other side.
Thog discovered fire 500,000 years ago, and the next day his tribe made fun of the losers who ate their food raw.
The odd thing is, this discrimination ability we share is part of what makes us so creative and successful. The ability to note differences and act upon them in our environment goes to the core of our existence. We are, literally, wired in our DNA to play the "one of these things is not like the other" game better than any other creature we know of. To deny it is silly.
However, if we could learn to recognize when it becomes overactive and apply the brakes... that would be a very good thing indeed.
And Macs suck.
I guess when people go "we're great" with the intended implication that "you arent"
one does tend to react to that... :-\
I've gone back & looked at that link given by icekin -
the one I got a bit offended by his abusive streak - especially against people who use their hands when talking
(especially that because that=me)
But it's still very funny, in spots at least
-tomos (October 18, 2007, 06:08 PM)
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I use my hands too, so I don't entirely agree with everything that was said on that page. I just found some of it to be funny.
As for Apple, I wouldn't mind them so much if they were cheaper and offered more + better features. I realized that some people (e.g. academics) get good pricing on Apple products, but for everyone else it seems a rip off. Their keyboard has no separate del, home, insert pg up and pg down keys. The touchpad has only one button. The speakers are very below par. Most notebooks in that price range come with altec lansing speakers on board (e.g. Toshibas).
Lastly, its a 'one size fits all' solution, at least the mac desktops are. Can't customize without blowing a hole in the wallet.
Carol Haynes:
Because you don't seem to understand about the platform? You have made sweeping generalisations about there only being two types of Mac markets, describing them as ignorant (home users) or arrogant (professionals), then a reductive cost-benefit that encapsulates little of anything substantial. It *does* make sense to lots of people who are neither ignorant or arrogant. Increasing numbers of my department are switching over to Apple hardware because it is more cost efficient to the University (contracts with Dell only other option), and OS X really is an elegant and powerful OS that is more than a repackaged Ubuntu. If it doesn't suit you personally, thats fine, but your reductio ad absurdum generalisation is just that, absurd.
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Who said 'arrogant' I certainly didn't. In fact I said the opposite - some professionals do have justification both in terms of finance and workflow to CHOOSE Mac (though I would argue that many make the choice based on outdated knowledge of the effectiveness of alternative operating systems). Home users seem (in my experience) to choose Mac because it looks pretty rather than because it has any functional advantage.
All I said was that if that is what they want fine, but the choice is very difficult to justify on cost or functionality.
By the way OSX is a repackaged BSD OS - OK they have added a few bits and pieces here and there and changed the look and feel.
If uinversities get a good deal on Apple products that's great - go for it. Unfortunately it doesn't necessarily prepare people for the real world where only about 8% of computers in use are Apple - unless students all plan to do graphic design these days!
I use my hands too, so I don't entirely agree with everything that was said on that page. I just found some of it to be funny.-icekin (October 19, 2007, 02:41 AM)
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first time round I did get pissed off about it but when Darwin said he laughed especially at #2
I went back for another look -
I did laugh out loud at that line:
"I don't know why ##### get so defensive when you call them idiots"
I took out the "mac user" bit & put in ##### cause I think that's what''s going on in general with the mac vs. PC thing
& unfortunately that's what's going on here a bit...
what I'm trying to say in my very roundabout manner is -
relax a bit, nontroppo
EDIT: I really do think you have a point but as Amando says maybe it was overstated &
then giving everyone such a hard time doesnt help ...
my 2 cents
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