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The worst thing about Macs
Fair comments, steeladept. I only want to comment on the pricing issue - from my perspective, Macs HAVE come down substantially in price. However, while you can get a Mac notebook for about the price of a middle of the range Windows based notebook, they are not in the same league for feature set (though they do ooze quality - I love the look and feel of them, but no more so than a good Toshiba or HP notebook), you get half the RAM and less than half the harddrive capacity. You also don't tend to get discrete video graphics at that price point. My point? Welll... perhaps there isn't one, really, other than to point out that while 3 times the price for half the spec might be a bit off in NA, I don't think it is unreasonable to argue that you get less hardware for your money. Now, having said that, one has only to look at Sony's offerings to realise that this kind of premium pricing is not restricted to Apple!
I don't know from personal experience but, according to Consumer Reports, one thing you get from Apple for that money is consistently outstanding customer support. That appears not to be true with Sony.
Carol Haynes:
To Carol - nontroppo has a point. When was the last time you priced Macs? Maybe it is very different in the UK, but worldwide (in general) Mac has realized this point and lowered costs dramatically! They are no worse than a high end quality machine as far as I have seen. Still higher than you might want to pay, but hardly three times the price for half the power. Also, as Mac-centric developers have moved to the Windows platform with their products, MANY Windows products have moved to support Macs due to the significant user base they can quickly and easily tap (compared to developing a new product). Lastly, they are very upgradeable - easily as upgradeable as any laptop. Well, maybe not the desktops, I have never worked with them, but the laptops are.
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Actually about 10 days ago ... my friend was trying convince me that a Macbook was the only viable solution for her ex-husband's first computer (he wants to use the internet, send emails, do a little word processing and possibly store photos).
I was comparing prices of Macbooks and Windows laptops. In the UK the cheapest Macbook was three times the price of some of the Vista systems I looked at (£700 for a 13" screen compared to some Vista systems I found for £240 with 15" screens) - and the Vista systems had more memory, larger hard discs and bigger screens . They had similar spec dual core Intel CPUs, and the Vista systems weren't a generic make - IIRC they were Toshiba.
...Now, having said that, one has only to look at Sony's offerings to realise that this kind of premium pricing is not restricted to Apple!
-Darwin (October 19, 2007, 01:43 PM)
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AMEN to that!!! :Thmbsup:
Actually about 10 days ago ... my friend was trying convince me that a Macbook was the only viable solution for her ex-husband's first computer (he wants to use the internet, send emails, do a little word processing and possibly store photos).
I was comparing prices of Macbooks and Windows laptops. In the UK the cheapest Macbook was three times the price of some of the Vista systems I looked at (£700 for a 13" screen compared to some Vista systems I found for £240 with 15" screens) - and the Vista systems had more memory, larger hard discs and bigger screens . They had similar spec dual core Intel CPUs, and the Vista systems weren't a generic make - IIRC they were Toshiba.
-Carol Haynes (October 19, 2007, 04:17 PM)
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Well you will always find someone who refuses to listen to reason (A Macbook is not the only solution that fits those requirements as you point out), but that doesn't mean it ISN'T a viable option...I know, you never said it wasn't, but you imply that the price point makes it "Not Viable" which isn't true. It is just a costly option. Now as to your costs as listed - like I said, I didn't know what the price structures were in the UK. I guess I will avoid Macs at all costs there (pun intended :D ).
Laughing Man:
Oh god don't remind me about Sony laptops. I'll never buy one again (well the one I have was bought for me by my parents earlier this year). At least not until they
a) stop putting stickers everywhere (ugh)
b) stop shortchanging, it says it has bluetooth support, but then I find out that you have to buy this Sony module lol. I just bought some 15 dollar bluetooth USB stick that works just as well.
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