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The worst thing about Macs
"Grandpa, what did people fight about when you were growing up?"
"Which computer was best. Some people liked PCs and others, the Mac. They argued about it all the time."
"What's a computer?"
"Tell you later, pumpkin. Now, plug yourself in for dinner and afterwards I'll download you a story..."
-Ralf Maximus (October 11, 2007, 08:42 PM)
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Goodbye, Good Luck, And Amen
Most people I know who have Macs have zero issues with them. Zero. They just work.
On the other hand, how they live with that squirmy little "dock", all those stinkin' floating toolbars, only one menu at the top of the screen (not attached to the current window), Safari (ugh!), and no Total Commander (gasp!), I have no idea.
Most people that I know that have Macs know how to... Wait a second! They don't know how to do anything on a computer! :(
Ok - truthfully - most people that I know that have Macs know how to use a Word processor, email, surf, play music/movies and look at pictures. Not much more. I am not kidding. Really. Honestly. Ok - maybe a couple of them can crop pictures on a Mac or resize them. With help. ;)
I don't know if I know anyone that uses Windows. Windows users don't wear their OS on their sleeves and trumpet it out at every chance they have, so I may not know any Windows users. :D
Ralf Maximus:
This is not intended as Mac criticism, just an observation...
Most Mac users I know treat their computers as an appliance. They use three or four programs heavily but refrain from tinkering with the software guts. They are Good Users.
Most PC users (except for my 77 year old Dad) can't leave Windows alone. They mess with it. Install stuff, uninstall stuff, reinstall it again in a different place. They swap video cards every year or so. I've seen some PCs that had so much crap plugged into them they looked like a christmas tree. These folks are Naughty Users, straining the limits of what they have.
Of course, there are opposites in each group that prove the rule... but this is what I have seen.
These folks are Naughty Users, straining the limits of what they have.-Ralf Maximus (October 17, 2007, 03:40 PM)
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Darwin is a Naughty User :-[
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